Paul Smith
When I began dancing the 5Rhythms®, well over two decades ago, it didn’t take long for it to become a central part of my life; attending classes regularly, I was always hungry for more of what this dance gave me, the sense of community, the freedom of expression, the presence of being, and the music.
Originally trained as a graphic artist, I’m also a musician and lifelong meditator. I was a DJ for spiritual events and ecstatic dance parties since the early 2000s, but the core of my practice has been to dance the 5Rhythms - beginning just after the millenium. The first regular class I attended was in North London, where Sue Rickards has held space for some 30+ years. I danced there in Sue’s class twice a week for fifteen of those years, before I moved to Brighton. Aside from Sue, teachers of mine include Gabrielle Roth, the founder of 5Rhythms; for many years her son Jonathan Horan, who leads the teacher training that I joined; Brighton-area stalwarts Alain Allard and Sarah Pitchford; Silvija Tomcik; Cathy Ryan; and countless others.

Paul Smith • Accredited 5Rhythms Teacher
Brighton • Hove • London
Paul is a member of the 5Rhythms Teachers Association (5RTA). Attendance at these classes and workshops all counts towards the 5Rhythms Teacher Training path.